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What would you like our future to look like in Avon and Bristol?


People living and working in the West of England are being asked for their views about the future of the region. The feedback will help shape a Spatial Development Strategy for the West of England Combined Authority area, replacing the previous draft Joint Spatial Plan, which was thrown out by Inspectors after objections from CPRE Avon and Bristol and other organisations and individuals.

This sub-region includes the Local Authorities of Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils. Once the Spatial Development Strategy is agreed and published, it will form part of the ‘development plan’ alongside each of the Local Authorities own Local Plans, and should help to tackle important cross border issues.

‘It’s important that we involve residents, businesses and organisations at this early stage of the process, so we can make sure the plan reflects the priorities of the people who live and work here.’ The West of England Combined Authority

To access the survey and further information please click on the future of the region survey link which will direct you to the West of England Combined Authority website. The survey closes on 14 December 2020.

You can also download the “Future of the region full survey” (as an overview) and maps Future of the region Q4 supporting map and Future of the region Q5 supporting map but you’ll need to complete the survey online.

Let's take a new path (landscape)